
疲れたので今日も帰途に大街道に近い二番町の中華料理店「白魂」で夕食。徒歩で道後へ帰宅。パソコン近くの書棚に置いていた書籍数冊を書庫へ移動し、代りに書庫から『ヴィジュアル版ギリシア・ローマ文化誌百科』上下二巻とJohn Boardman『Greek Sculpture The Classical Period』を手許へ移動。後者はA5判のペイパーバックだが、満載のモノクロ図版でギリシア彫刻の名宝を多数まとめて参照することができる。

Greek Sculpture: The Classical Period, a Handbook (World of Art) Greek Sculpture: The Late Classical Period and Sculpture in Colonies and Overseas (World of Art) Greek Sculpture: The Archaic Period : A Handbook (World of Art)
Greek Sculpture: Function, Materials, and Techniques in the Archaic and Classical Periods Greek and Roman Sculpture in America
Roman Sculpture (Yale Publications in the History of Art) Roman Painting Roman Painting Imperial Rome and Christian Triumph: The Art of the Roman Empire Ad 100-450 (Oxford History of Art)
Greek Art (Taschen Basic Architecture Series) Roman Art (Taschen Basic Art Genre)